my mom has spend 14 months in Ramapo nursing and there is not enough good things to say about her care and respect staff showed to her and her family. I know first hand that their work is truly hard having worked the field some 30 years ago. In her final hours the compassion and dedication to make her comfortable was amazing they were wonderful.When people write a bad review you need to remember sometimes they just cant give credit or kind words to peopleand these are the ones you want to respect your mom or dad. So my family and I want to thank all of you for my moms care. THANKS THE MARTIN FAMILY
I do not agree with these reviews and I do not work for or am affiliated with Ramapo Manor in any way.
My dad had a car incident and after being in a regular hospital for about 2 weeks (minor heart attack) was transferred to Ramapo Manor for rehab. We were advised by the previous hospital (cat scans, brain mri) and Ramapo Manor that my dad has severe dementia. I didn't believe it but when I went to visit him at Ramapo Manor I saw that was indeed the case. He also has severe arthritis and couldn't walk when he left the regular hospital.
My dad (not knowing he has dementia) was trying to get out of Ramapo like crazy. I am so glad they would not let him try to check himself out. Can you imagine the lawsuit they would have on their hands if they let somebody with dementia check out of their own?
I am not in the healthcare field but I do run my own construction business. I cannot imagine the liability they face daily when dealing with the elderly. It is their job to protect their patients. Not everybody is accurately diagnosed with dementia, etc. so it's in patients best rights to be protected especially when a patient has family to look after them.
After being released from Ramapo, I had him re-admitted there approximately 8 months later because he again couldn't walk again. In care home aides were not successful in keeping him active and safe. He was falling in his home and calling the police on aides who told him not to get out of bed himself.
I called Linda B. and told her I would do private pay so he could go back there. We were desperate. She was concerned he might have other medical problems but I insisted and she re-admit him. Without even asking, Linda B. was able to get his care paid for by his health provider. I didn't even ask her to do that. They could have taken private pay without the hassle.
I personally ate the food there myself and it was in no way terrible. I don't know what people expect- 5 star dining- it isn't a restaurant but the food isn't bad at all?
The staff communicated extremely well with me during his stay and upon his release. They called a meeting with me and explained what specific care he needed.
My father is a lazy and a dirty man and they made sure he was bathed and clean despite his arguing. That's exactly what he needed! He is much better there than with home health care aides in the house.
Please take all reviews with a grain of salt. Every situation is different. The staff are there to protect patients and I thank god that they can do that with my father who would be laying in his own stink without help.
Understand the legal liabilities and daily functioning of a health care facility before you go writing harsh reviews from one perspective. Again, I am not affiliated with them but hate it when people write reviews that aren't accurate to the real world.