The Divorce Help Clinic specializes in divorce mediation in San Diego, CA and has helped thousands of clients with their divorce needs. The Divorce Help Clinic offers 4 main services; divorce planning, divorce mediation, divorce paperwork, as well as marriage mediation to help those looking to fix their marriage. The Divorce Help Clinic helps clients strategize the most effective way out and offers divorce mediation in San Diego, CA, for custody, visitation, and financial disagreements that will preserve the family unit. For couples who are already in agreement about the details to finalize divorce, The Divorce Help Clinic also offers assistance with divorce paperwork to assure that it is done correctly the first time so they can move forward with their lives.The Divorce Help Clinic is a great resource for those who are confused on if divorce is right for them. They offer divorce support groups as well as private meetings with a divorce mediator in San Diego, CA, to get answers, resources and information for all of their concerns and questions. They also work with many clients seeking marriage mediation and provide them with tools and skills they need to help strengthen the relationship and improve communication.
For more information about The Divorce Help Clinic or are in need of divorce mediation in San Diego, CA, please call (858) 863-3380 today or visit the website.
Years In Practice34
Primary Specialty
Marriage & Family Therapist
EducationCalifornia Baptist University M.S., Clinical Psychology with an emphasis in marriage and family therapy 1991 1993
California State Polytechnic University-Pomona B.A., Behavioral Science
National Conflict Resolution Centeran organization founded by the University of San Diego Law Center and the SD County Bar Association.
Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in two states--Missouri & Massachusetts
Office StaffNancy Fagan, MS is the founder of The Divorce Help Clinic (divorce planning & divorce mediation services), a Huffington Post divorce writer, dubbed "The Divorce Reporter" and the author of "The Complete Idiot's Guide to Romance" (Macmillan Publishing) and "Desirable Men: How to Find Them" (Prima Publishing). She received her mediation certification through the National Conflict Resolution Centeran organization founded by the University of San Diego Law Center and the SD County Bar Association.
ServicesThe Divorce Help Clinic has been helping couples with their divorce mediation in San Diego, CA for over 13 years. They have the resources, experience, and knowledge necessary to ensure that the divorce will done as civilly, fairly, and quickly as possible. They provide divorce planning, divorce mediation, divorce paperwork, as well as marriage mediation. The Divorce Help Clinic also offers divorce support groups for men and women, individual meetings with a divorce mediator, as well as a free divorce information drop-in clinic every Wednesday from 12-1 pm. If unsure on what to do in your marriage and you need someone to talk to, call The Divorce Help Clinic in San Diego, CA today to get the help you need.