A No-Crack Approach to Chiropractic Care that Actually Works:
After fourteen years of education and experience, Fluid Chiropractic has come to rely on Network Spinal Analysis as the chiropractic technique that produces strong, lasting results.
Network Spinal Analysis (NSA), sometimes referred to as “Netwo...
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SRI is when you start learning how to connect with and work on yourself. It involves light touch, breath, energy, movement, focused attention and statements. It really is the home care which empowers you to learn to self-regulate, self-organize and be in charge of your own healing.
Somato Respiratory Integratio...
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What is S.O.T.?
History of SOT:
Sacro-Occipital Technique (SOT) was originally formulated by Major Bertrand DeJarnette (The Major) who was an Enginerr who became a Doctor of Osteopathy and then a Doctor of Chirorpactic in the 1920’s. He developed color-processing and sold it to Kodak to pay for his Chiropractic research on the hum...
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The instruments that we use here at Fluid Chiropractic allow us to work on Acute, pediatric and elderly patients with safety and comfort..
In addition, these instruments allow us to speed up the healing process, reset the joints/ joint receptors / muscles and hold the changes longer. They can be applied to any aspect of the musculo-sk...
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SOT was founded by Dr. DeJarnette. He discovered a specific extremity related distortion pattern that was a type of category of it own. It involves specific extremity joint analysis and sequence of treatment.
SOT Extremity Technique integrates with the Category System when persistent extremity involvement inhibits the proper healing o...
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The Kinesio Taping Method is designed to facilitate the body’s natural healing process while allowing support and stability to muscles and joints without restricting the body’s range of motion. It is used to successfully treat a variety of orthopedic, neuromuscular, neurological and medical conditions. Both Kinesio® Tex Tape and the training pro...
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Fluid Chiropractic uses Sole Supports Inc. The Broncos also get their orthotics for Sole Supports!
These orthotics are designed based on your foot flexibility, weight and propulsion gait pattern. The orthotics are made to order using a 3D foam positive image from the cast of your foot. It is specifically calibrated for your foot flex...
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