Custom-Calibrated Orthotics

Dr. Jennifer DenBleyker, D.C., Dr.

Fluid Chiropractic uses Sole Supports Inc. The Broncos also get their orthotics for Sole Supports!

These orthotics are designed based on your foot flexibility, weight and propulsion gait pattern. The orthotics are made to order using a 3D foam positive image from the cast of your foot. It is specifically calibrated for your foot flexiblity and weight. A spring effect is created when the orthotic in full contact with the arch of your foot during toe off and allows the foot to flatten but maintain optimum function during full weight bearing. It is washable and can be worn in water. For normal activities the ultrasuede cover is the most luxurious and is the standard cover. For intense athletic activities you might want the Agion cover for the added anti-microbial action, however most athletes prefer the suede cover.

Who Will Benefit:
In this cement jungle, everyone that stands on hard surfaces, exercises/walk a lot, bunions, hammer toes, achilles problems, knee pain, hip pain, or just dysfunction in their biomechanics. Have you wondered if orthotics are for you? What is the difference between custom-made and other types? Are my orthotics still effective? How long will they last? Are they water-proof? Can I get one pair of orhtotics or do I have to get one for other shoes? What if I have a foot lift or heel lift? What if I get new shoes? What shoes can I wear with Orthotics? What if I gain/lose weight? What if I get pregnant? What if my son/daughter grows? Book your appointment today and we will answer all your questions and get you started today!

First Appointment:
We will take your medical history, discuss your questions, assess your gait / posture / leg mechanics and cast your orthotics.

Shipping and Construction Times/Fees:
The orthotics are constructed from raw materials when your order is placed, and then calibrated to your mechanics and weight. Usually the construction takes 2-3 weeks and the shipping takes 3 business days. If you would like to expedite your order we can place a lab rush order and
ship your orthotics over night.

Second Visit:
At this visit we will fit your orthotics, re-check your gait, and provide you with exercises and stetches for increased function and support. Please wear tight leggins, very loose pants that can be pulled above your knees or shorts. Ladies please remove tights. Bring the shoes you plan on wearing with the orthotics. If you plan on changing the orthotics between different pairs of shoes, please bring all shoes with you to your fitting.

Growth Policies:
Sole Supports has special policies just for growing children, increase in weight, decrease in weight to help you achieve your fitness without constantly paying high prices for orthotics. For instance, you may purchase a growing policy for children where there orthotics get replaced for free over 3 years as they grow and gain weight.

Weight Policies:
These custom orthotics are calibrated to your body weight. To support you in greater foot function, and therefore increased activity, when you lose 10-15% in body weight Sole Supports will make give you a new pair of orthotics. your orthotics back and recalibrate them for your new body weight - free! However, if you gain more than 10-15% body weight, you will need to purchase a new pair of orthotics at full price. They will not be effective if they are not calibrated and constructed for your mechanics and weight.

Small repairs can be made in office. The orthotic construction is designed to last. If you would like to recover your orthtics in a few years, we will simply ship them back to the manufacturers to be recovered. If you decide to alter your orthotic shape/size yourself and it alters the function or you cut too much, you will need to purchase a new pair of orthotics. Ask Dr. Jennifer for more details.

Insurance Policies:
Are available. Ask for more details.

Calibration involves putting each orthotic in a high pressure chamber for testing. An air bladder is filled until the pressure against the orthotic shell is enough to make it flex downward a certain amount (just like your foot will do when you put your weight on it).

Whether you are a competitive or recreational athlete, your foot is unique and requires specific callibration for the right mix of flex and rigidity. This is the real custom factor absent in standard 'custom' orthotics. We love it when we can give athltetes a competitive edge based on powerful feet.

Sole Supports is the only company doing research at major universities to back up claims of increased performance and have a number of professional athletes using the orthotics to gain a competitive edge.

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