Being "fit" means we need to focus just as much on what's happening on the inside as the outside of our bodies. We are exposed to THOUSANDS of toxic chemicals daily from the time we wake up in our flame retardant bed, shower in our chlorinated water, cook in our non-stick pans, wash our face, our clothes, our dishes in chemicals, eat fruits and veggies with pesticides...the list goes on and on and...
One of your best health protection options is choosing certified organic foods. You should always thoroughly wash all raw vegetables and fruits (including those organically grown) to rid them of bacteria, but no method: washing, freezing, or cooking - will eradicate pesticide residue from conventionally grown produce. A large percentage of pesticides currently in use are regarded as potential carcinogens,...
Can an app actually save your life?- There was an amazing story recently about an infant’s life that was saved because someone nearby with CPR training was notified through an app alert system and was able to assist with the medical emergency before the paramedics arrived. This is one of many examples of how the technology in smartphones is improving our lives through prevention, well-being support,...
I don't get to write about starting a garden very often because the window for planting is very short in the Northeast. Right now, as May rolls steadily in, if you haven't already planted lettuces, peas and greens, you might feel as if you are watching the ship sail away. Alas, there is still time for round two - the big guns - tomatoes, peppers, eggplant and such, which should be planted after all...
So how do you achieve wellness? The technical definition of wellness can be described as: - “Optimally balanced health across multiple dimensions.” - The top level dimensions are commonly viewed as physical, mental, spiritual, social and lifestyle. Striking an optimal balance of health in each dimension can be confusing and too many people misunderstand the objective and generally fail to achieve Wellness...
Wellness is the realization of our true potential to live a healthier, happier and more successful existence. Wellness - the state of being healthy. Wellness Dimensions - Wellness involves the awareness of our current state of health in multiple dimensions with the initiative, tools and support to make lasting changes towards a more optimal life. Read More.. li{ position:relative; float:left; width:20%;...
For years, business and motivational gurus have known that there are basic habits that seem to predict professional success and excellence. Books like -The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People-, by motivational speaker and business guru Stephen Covey, which has sold over 15 million copies alone, shows that people are hungry for the secrets of success. We don’t yet have the perfect formula for long...
I've been thinking a lot lately about my previous career and how happy I am to have made the decision to leave it behind. I was very dissatisfied and unfulfulled in the Movie/Television production business in L.A. where I was an Assistant Director. As I look back on that - and my decision to leave it - it was kind of like "Career-Change Therapy." I credit my decision to leave to my therapist at the...
If there's one thing that we all seek - it's happiness. I've never met a person who has told me they didn't want to be happy, have you? When I do individual therapy, I have the opportunity to sit down with people as they present their concerns to me - whatever they may be. They usually seek therapy because they're experiencing some level of emotional distress - and are fundamentally unhappy. I've noticed...
Silly question. Of course you are! But not intentionally of course - it's all because of your food programming. Convenient or not, our brains and every other cell in our body are programmed just like a computer. Taste buds are a great example. Did you know that it takes about 10 contacts with a new taste before the brain registers the new taste as pleasurable? 10 contacts! That's a lot of "YUCKs!"...