The busy holiday season is about to hit, and that means heading home to see family and friends, ugly Christmas sweaters, and endless supplies of not-so-healthy foods will be shoved in front of us. And whether you pulled out your winter clothes only to realize that last year's cords are a just -little- tight, or you want to preemptively avoid that inevitable winter weight gain, you might have some extra...
For most people, Thanksgiving is a time of giving thanks, getting together with those you care about, celebrating, sharing, and eating lots of food. Enjoying a Thanksgiving meal can mean consuming foods and beverages that you do not normally eat, but can also be a time of overdoing it and spending the following week trying to make up for it with dieting and exercise. Following are some ideas on how...
Are you ready to lose the "weight" that slows you and often keeps you down? Do you want to lose the weight that makes you anxious, fearful, short-tempered at work and home, and robs you of enthusiasm? If "yes" is your answer, you're ready to go on the pressure-less diet. The pressure-less diet - it's based on research that concludes most people experience daily feelings of pressure akin to a weight...
Photo Credit: Steven Mileham via Flickr - Typical office workers spend as much as- 75 percent -of their day in a chair. Think about it: You sit in your car to drive to work, you sit at your desk, you sit in meetings, you sit at lunch, and you probably sit in front of the TV when you come home. Depressing, right? - Even if you hit the gym after work, an hour or so of exertion might not be enough to...
Food is what fuels our bodies; it is nourishment, and to nourish is to feed or sustain with substances necessary for life and growth. Unfortunately, with our present-day lifestyles, most of us do not make the effort to holistically nourish ourselves. We strive for increased health and want to prevent disease so turn to diet, supplements, or exercise, but we often overlook the importance of an interesting...
“I occasionally drink too much, but it’s not a problem for me.” How many people have said that? They may be fooling themselves if they think that going overboard, or “binge drinking” of alcohol doesn’t affect their overall health. Just four glasses of wine for women or five glasses for men in 2 hours can do more harm to a person's health than previously thought, according to new research from the University...
Want to know my big needle mover for fast, lasting fat loss? It has nothing - and -everything - to do with the foods you eat and exercise you do. The best thing you can do to stay lean and healthy involves a good night's sleep. I'm talking quantity -and- quality here. If you sleep eight hours, but wake up three times during the night to go to the bathroom, you're not getting high-quality sleep, and...
As of January 1, 2014 five cities in California, including San Francisco, have -put anti-tobacco laws for pharmacies- into effect. Even more staggering than that; ninety-four cities in Massachusetts have put these laws into effect as well, including the capital city Boston. Cigarettes alone contribute to almost half a million deaths a year in the United States. Smoking cigarettes causes more deaths...
Dear James, - I have diabetes and I really need to lose some weight, workout more, as well as decrease my intake of a lot of things that aren't good for a diabetic such as sodas and chips. How do I stay motivated, when I only work out two days a week, and sometimes not at all? It's like my mind can't stay truly focused on that because of my career situation which is being without a job now for almost...
You walk down an aisle in the huge supermarket that stocks just about everything imaginable. Your cart already contains food, about which you feel virtuous because you conscientiously read labels to avoid unhealthy additives. Spying a shampoo brand you saw in a TV ad, you drop the plastic bottle into your cart. The same brand of hair conditioner gets snapped up next. Further along, toothpastes are...