Yoga Hour - Secret to Wellness!

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Posted by Art of
Yoga has amazing secrets to offer to healthy well being.\n\n\n\nJust as nature sheds the old and gets rejuvenated, let's renew our body, mind and spirit with the power of yoga, breath and meditation! \n\n\n\nYou are invited to explore different styles of yoga - Ashtanga Yoga, Sri Sri Yoga, Subtle Yoga along with rejuvenating breathing techniques. Learn effortless & effective yoga postures to relax and energize the body & mind. \n\nThese sessions are open to all with little or no prior experience.\n\nWhat: Yoga Hour - Secret to Wellness !!\n\nWhen: Sundays @ 3:30 pm, May 8th\n\nWhere: The Art of Living Center \n\n 2368 Walsh Ave ,\n\n Santa Clara, CA 95051\n\nAdmission: FREE (Please RSVP as limited seating is available.) \n\nRSVP at the link below:\n\nMay 8th : <url removed> Contents: \n1. Simple, yet powerful yoga postures. \n2. Rejuvenating breathing techniques. \n3. Guided Relaxation Process. \n4. Take Home practices.\n\nBenefits Reported: \n1. Improves flexibility and health. \n2. Relaxed Mind \n3. Reduced Stress \n\n4. Enhanced focus and concentration.
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