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Consumer Feedback

(17 Reviews)
5 star average for Service
5 star average for Environment
5 star average for Expertise
5 star average for Recommended
5 star average for Value
5 star average for Staff
Dr. Barone and staff are friendly, knowledgeable and passionate about giving you proper care and teaching you healthy lifestyle practices. After getting a treatment at Barone Spinal Care & Performance, I experience a full range of motion in my neck which prior to receiving the treatment, had been limited. I recommend Barone Spinal Care & Performance.
by Lori H
April 20, 2015
Dear Dr. Barone & Dr. Landholm,

I am a 33 and have been suffering from chronic neck, upper back and hip pain after a motor vehicle accident in 2003. In the time following the accident I’ve undergone a surgery on my hip to repair ligaments and numerous physical therapy treatments with little reduction in symptoms. This has resulted in numbness, coldness and tingling sensations in my hands and feet as well as debilitating migraine headaches, dizziness and nausea. Needless to say I was miserable, my ability to focus and concentrate was poor and I often had to miss work and even stop exercising all together.

I heard about Barone Spinal Care & Performance from a family friend and chiropractor. He strongly recommended the form of chiropractic techniques (NUCCA) that Dr. Barone and Dr. Landholm specialize in. I was thoroughly impressed with the practice from the moment of my first phone call to my first visit. The kindness and professionalism exhibited by Dr. Barone, Dr. Landholm and the entire office staff is unparalleled and the facilities and treatment rooms are immaculate. Making an appointment was very easy. My assessment was very comprehensive, extending for two visits and included multiple scans, x-rays and questionnaires. I felt very confident in my diagnosis and treatment plan that was reviewed with me at length during my second visit. Each follow-up visit includes multiple forms of continued assessment for alignment and the actual corrections/adjustments themselves are brief and painless. During my first experience being adjusted I almost laughed thinking that it wasn’t going to be effective until I sat up and my dizziness and pain were gone.

I have been a patient for the past 6 months and the majority of my symptoms have dissipate, my range of motion in my neck has greatly improved, I have not missed any days of work, my mood is much better and have begun exercising again. I would recommend Dr. Barone and his staff to anyone suffering from a chronic ailment that is in search of improving their quality of life and general well being.

M. Camara
Plainfield, IL
by M. Camara
February 03, 2015
** Please read CAREFULLY before considering this firm, ESPECIALLY if you go for a headache/migraine condition.

Barone Spinal Care is very strategic in what reviews they want YOU to read. They filter out or 'flag' even mediocre reviews so all you will only see is 5 STAR miracle-type testimonials -- which is great, but SOME of the stories will border on ridiculous once you really read thru them all (i.e. one person said they were 'cured of chronic diarrhea'? Another person said their 'vision vastly improved'? Please...).

To give props -- YES, I am sure many people HAVE been helped, but people should read on if you truly want to do your research before making any decisions (just as you would anywhere else you'd give your business), and get ALL SIDES of a story.

I went to Barone Spinal Care, on a whim, in early 2006, for a severe headache/migraine condition I have had for YEARS (against the advice of my neurologists, who said that although they don't NOT recommend alternate therapy for migraines, they just felt that cervical chiropractors would not be able to help my condition). However, having a terrible condition and willing "to try anything" for some relief, I looked into Barone Spinal Care.

I went twice a week (then down to once a week) from February thru August 2006. Not once did my headaches or migraines get even an ounce better.

On my first consult, I was given the speech by Dr. Barone that "my life was going to change forever", and "I will be well in a matter of weeks!", and that "after I get done with this place, I will rarely if ever have a headache again or need to take those terrible pills." I already knew this sounded "too good to be true" and quacky right off the bat - but again, I will "try anything" when I am in the kind of pain and situation I have been in for years. I decided to give it a go against my better judgment, and spent upwards of $250 for the first consultation and some x-rays.

My second consult, Dr. Barone said my x-rays showed "terrible misalignment" in my neck, and suggested that I must have been in a bad car accident or fall when I was younger. I told him I never was to either. He said the x-rays showed this. Now of course I cannot read x-rays, but I did have various cat-scans and MRI's just previous to this (and also AFTER), and I was told by my other doctors that "those extensive tests would have picked up serious neck damage or bone problems if I had that" - and they haven't. I was getting more skeptical, but again, decided to give it the "4-5 weeks" Dr. Barone said I would need to start feeling results. (*So even the firm cannot say, "well, you didn't give our treatments enough time.")

I received weekly, painless adjustments on my neck which many times Dr. Barone and the other doctors claimed I was always "out of alignment." They checked to see if my feet lined up ("the leg test" - Google it. Often debunked.) and most times they didn't. However, most people are out of "alignment" or go out of alignment in their life, and in order to 'stay in alignment' by their standards, you'd need to have NUCCA adjustments literally the rest of your life. Weeks became months and I never felt any better, despite the doctors telling me "I had made improvements" and other talk, which after awhile, sounded just like political spin you hear out of the White House.

I also found that their 'treatments' are the same no matter what condition or ailment you (or even the people next to you) are there for.

I was also tricked into signing a "contract". DO NOT SIGN ANYTHING BY THEM - at least not without reading it FULLY. Even if their treatments aren't working, or you don't like their services, or, you simply wish to see another doctor - you are still locked in for 1 YEAR (they described it "like a gym membership"). And if you stop going, you'll owe back money at NORMAL office cost that you would have paid had you paid 'visit by visit', which I did do at first. However, many people just sign a contract because there are savings and fringe benefits involved.

Lastly, they DO NOT ACCEPT any insurance 'up front.' I could see this because they want payment up front either way (whether their services help you or not).

Dr. Barone attempted the "nice and concerned" demeanor, but to me he carried himself more like a salesman than a doctor. I must say I did like the other doctors there - Dr. Redinger and Dr. Laneville...however, they are no longer there.

(* Not overly important, but the office CONSTANTLY went thru front desk and staff changes in just my 6 months there. It seemed every 3-4 weeks there were new girls at the front desk).

I never felt any better. In the end, I lost $2000 for services which rendered me no relief. To think of what I could have done with that money.

I would not recommend this firm, and I suggest potential (headache/migraine) patients AT LEAST weigh your options before signing any contract and dolling out money to Barone Spinal Care.
by John Joseph Angel
January 15, 2015
Dear Dr. Barone,
I am 58 and have been suffering from a herniated disc with stenosis to my cervical and lumbar spine for close to 30 years due to falling off a horse and competitive volleyball both landing on my left sciatica area. MRI showed a herniated disc with stenosis to those areas. This has resulted in having left foot numbness. I’ve grown use to it in this amount of time, but feel it’s a nuisance to cope with. The only option that was given to me was cortical steroid injections or possible back surgery if the stenosis worsens with age. Both options I’m hesitate about with side-effects, and the risk of it.

I heard about Barone Spinal Care at a September feast in Schaumburg a few years ago. Upon entering the office; after scheduling an appointment the staff to this day is always very friendly and professional with a personal touch. They listen to your concerns and care about your well-being. The correction or adjustment they did to me was very comforting and painless, not like some chiropractors who do a hard adjustment on you. The office /décor are very welcoming and you sense a compassion and concern given to you as a patient.

I feel my posture has improved since going there. While my stenosis/herniated disc has not been alleviated because of chronic issues, and having it for so long, the care given to me makes me come back. The nutritional supplements they offer I feel has helped my anti-oxidant levels to go up and I feel I’m helping my body at least internally for the better.

I would recommend people to at least give Dr. Barone and his staff a try in helping you with whatever condition you may be suffering from. I’ve talked with lots of his patients, and they have been more than pleased with their care and results of their treatment.

Mark Iacobazzi
Bloomingdale, IL.
by Mark Iacobazzi
January 14, 2015
I was suffering with celiac disease my whole life and was officially diagnosed severely when I was 21 years old. I had trouble concentrating, TMJ pain was so severe at times my jaw would fix in a locked position, I have scoliosis, problems with digestion, and thyroid. By the time doctors diagnosed me with celiac disease, I was emanciated and malnurished. The disease left me weak with low muscle tone, unable to digest food appropriately, I had poor circulation shooting nerve sensations down my arms and legs daily. Doctors sent me and order to get an MRI to screen for multiple sclerosis. I was fatigued fighting for my life.
I went to traditional chiropractors in hopes to improve symptoms and fix the scoliosis. Traditional chiropractors only relieved the symptoms temporarily and could not fix the scoliosis. I would get adjusted by traditional chiropractors, complete an exercise to build muscle tone, and after the exercise fall out of alignment and have to get adjusted again on the very same visit. Next, I was in a car accident which left me with back pain and neck problems. My sacrum gave out which left me trouble walking and sciatic pain. As chiropractors attempted to fix my car accident injuries and neck, I ended up with bruised,fractured ribs that caused compressed nerve damage on the left side of my body and low back disfunction. I had trouble breathing and swallowing.
Then, I heard about Dr. Barone’s NUCCA technique from the radio AM 1160. I immediately wished to investigate and booked an appointment. When I walked into Barone Spinal Care, I was treated with a warm, inviting personalized welcome. The staff displayed compassion and concern willing to answer all my questions. I learned from the staff that NUCCA was more than gentle but also safe and a more effective permanent results treatment as NUCCA adjusts the atlas which houses the brain stem; powerhouse of all nerve and whole body function which made me want to learn even more. I went for my first very thorough examination with precise, individualized, and perfect calculations for the adjustment. I then was adjusted which felt like a light pressure relaxing fluttering finger massage on my neck. I immediately entered into a state of bliss euphoria! I had extra oxygen transmitted to my body to breathe! The body was naturally correcting itself as the pain was melting off my entire body in my neck, low back, and ribs! I felt the ribs that were smashed against my nerves supernaturally lift and place in the right location as my ribcage turned and was fixing the curves in my spine. I felt the damaged nerves making connections and healing. I felt muscle strength firing life restoration into my body and I felt lighter and stronger immediately on the right side of my body after years of an impinged feeling and weakness as the nerve damage on the right side of my body went away! Both of my feet could touch the floor at the same time and I could balance on one foot even with my eyes closed like never before! My TMJ pain diminished and I could open my mouth with ease! The healing experience and the decor in the resting room was like heaven on earth, as I relaxed looking at the beautiful forest tree scene and listened to the soothing music!!! After only three NUCCA adjustments in three weeks when in alignment, I am virtually pain free as I heal even in old injuries! There is more stability in my neck, and in my posture as the scoliosis is correcting itself when I am in alignment! My back is not hypersensitive to the touch as I do not feel nerve pain shooting throughout my body anymore but rather healing connections, with improvements in circulation feeling in my fingers and toes. I sleep more soundly. I am developing strong muscle tone, move with ease like never before running long distances without pain because the alignment holds while you move your body. I have so much more energy and ability to concentrate with focus! I am able to prefer walking and standing for hours with energy pain free without fatigue! My digestive fire and thyroid is functioning excellent.
Barone Spinal Care has highly professional customer service as they are especially accommodating to special requests and concerned about meeting your personal goals with personal trainers and educating patients on wellness. Dr. Barone is so passionate about helping and educating patients that he holds FIT classes that educate patients on the steps to health and cutting edge information on health and wellness with special guest speakers. Every time you go to the office to get checked for alignment Dr. Barone uses six thorough test to ensure he does not miss your misalignment and will not adjust you when you are in alignment. Dr. Barone is truly a talented master at the NUCCA technique as his adjustments are sound and perfectly accurate each and every time with miraculous results! Call Barone Spinal Care today to start a new journey of life!
~Alyssa Parrillo~ Psalm 77:14 “You are the God that performs miracles; you display your power among the people.”
by Alyssa Parrillo
January 11, 2015
I am 51 years old and had been suffering from headache, stiff neck and lower back pain for many years. I took it as a part of aging and did not seek professional care, except one emergency room visit due to a severe lower back pain. Somehow I decided to give spinal care a try and ended up at Baron Spinal Care and Performance. Since I started NUCCA program there two months ago, I have been headache free. The procedure is simple and painless. It was amazing that I noticed improvements right away even after first adjustment.
This is a well run office and staff members are very professional. I would high recommend Barone spinal Care to everyone who might need spinal care.
by Shawn Yang
January 09, 2015
I am 57 years old and have been a patient for 5 years. I read about upper cervical adjustments in the newspaper many years ago. While listening to AM 1160, I heard your “Back to Health” program and I called the office for an appointment. The chiropractor I had been seeing didn’t have the appropriate credentials to give an upper cervical adjustment.
The essential information on how I improved was as follows: After my first adjustment my sciatic pain completely disappeared. I had suffered with that condition for many years. Other areas of improvement are energy, circulation and posture. My bouts with vertigo are now almost non-existent. I have less jaw pain and neck tension. Furthermore, I have better overall digestion without nausea. Schaumburg is an hour ride from my home and I continue taking the trip for my overall health. I feel it is time well spent.
Another plus is the excellent customer service at Barone Spinal Care. The office staff is very helpful in scheduling convenient office visits and filing insurance claims. Dr. Barone and his staff are genuinely interested in my health and are helpful in fulfilling my requests.
by Maryann Sochat
September 29, 2014
Dear Dr.Barone and Dr.Lanholm

I am 44 years old, I was suffering from lower back pain and some neck pain. I saw Dr.landholm in xsport fitness and decide to do the screening appointment to Barone Spinal Care. After the first adjustment I noticed less pain and better posture. It was a pleasure to come to your office and the customer services was excellent. The office staff was also very helpful and kind. I’m looking forward to continue to come and improve my posture. I also highly recommend Barone Spinal care to everyone with back problems.

Sincerely From Malgorzata Czerniawski
by Malgorzata Czerniawski
September 18, 2014
Did the chiropractor offer on-site X-Rays?
Yes, I didn't have to drive anywhere!
Did this provider seem up-to-date with the current advancements in their field?
Was the personalities of the staff well suited to a holistic approach to care?
Most of the staff were wonderful and I felt that they really 'got' what a holistic approach to care means.
Did you feel like your pain was lessened after your chiropractic treatment?
Yes, I felt better than I've felt in years when I left!
Is this provider willing to pursue advice from other providers when necessary?
Probably yes
by Anonymous
September 16, 2014
I would definitely recommend a visit to an upper-cervical chiropractor for anyone experiencing back pain, and especially before considering any kind of invasive back treatment. Besides resolving back pain, having your spine in alignment helps in so many areas that you would never suspect were related to the spine. Dr. Barone has a holistic mind/body approach that supports the treatments, and will improve your overall health and well-being. The staff are professional and friendly, and the communication is great. I felt all my questions were welcomed and answered. My headaches and neck pain are gone, and I feel healthier than I've been in years. :-)
by Ginger
September 14, 2014
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