Shapiro Robert B & Associates

Shapiro Robert B & Associates
Shapiro Robert B & Associates 125 South Bloomingdale Road Bloomingdale, IL 60108
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Consumer Feedback

(23 Reviews)
2.5 star average for Service
4 star average for Environment
2.5 star average for Expertise
3.5 star average for Staff
2.5 star average for Recommended
2 star average for Value
My counseling sessions were several years ago and the staff was smaller. Also, my therapy was for personal issues. Dr. Shapiro not only was thorough and considerate in helping me identify issues and ways to work through them. He was very supportive and empathetic. As far as I am concerned, he deserves all five of my stars.
by Fuzz
November 20, 2020
He based a large part of his evaluation based on my gaslighting husband’s comments. My husband was proven to be a liar and knew he would benefit from making me look bad. Dr. Shapiro also included several statements in his review that were completely incorrect. For example, we had a conversation about why I though my husband had a girlfriend, but the report stated that I thought he no longer had a girlfriend. This type of fiction appeared several times. He could have just asked my husband and made up the rest, because the report is ridiculous. Also, on several occasions later, he said things like call me tomorrow or call me next week, then didn’t reply.
by Laura
August 22, 2020
Dr Robert Shapiro and associates
Although his findings were not completely against my case I would like to caution the readers with this review, and to alert anyone who finds themselves in an office with him to the pitfalls associated with his clinical style.

I went into this evaluation process open minded and I do not want to personally attack Dr Robert Shapiro. He is, although, an angry person with a very short wick a human struggling like the rest of us. This was evident in the evaluation process, this among other examples of his lack of control of his emotions and intolerance, which because it is apparently part of his psychological profile, overbearing and magnanimous I will admit that I find him amusing from a psychological perspective

The main issue I have is the quality of the product he provided. The end product is woefully lacking in detail, clarity, and overall clinically insufficient, strewn with mistakes and inaccuracies. This makes it hard to accept his conclusions, and actually makes the whole issue of the best interests of the child somewhat unattended.

Dr. Shapiro at his age definitely has memory issues, and with listening and patience that one would normally expect from a PhD, and in such an important position you would expect a quality product, as I did, regardless of the outcome, from such a seasoned Psychologist with a PhD no less. He is so quick with his gut level analysis that it makes it hard to believe he has really applied scientific and clinical analysis to his custody evaluations. Footnotes and references to the scientific and psychological data will not be part of your evaluation.
In fact Dr Shapiro's tendency to see things at a gut level may in fact hinder his ability to render a quality, scientific analysis of events and facts.

Dr Shapiro seems to have some issues himself, and possibly projecting his inner discontents, frustrations, negative experiences with clients and somewhat objective, albeit not glorifying reviews, like this one. and as anecdotally explained by the majority of reviews here and on many other review sites.

When experiencing his technique, being interviewed by Dr Shapiro he does display many of the negative qualities others have commented about on many of his negative reviews.
Dr. Shapiro is abrasive and he's volatile. I went into the interview with an open mind with the intent of trying to find out what is going on in my separation on a clinical and psychological level, in an attempt to secure a more stable, secure and loving living environment for my 6 year old son.

Dr Shapiro, as is a large constituent of his technique,less than fastidious. His clinical style is lacking,to get to what he feels is "truth" he lies a lot, and feigns interest while in the examination, explains how he cares and that he is still practicing at 75 years old because he likes to help families.

Dr Shapiro is definitely in my opinion "full of himself", "impulsive","impatient" prone to frame what he feels in his in his gut as clinical evidence.

My goal for my family....intelligent inspection of the data and subsequent professional analysis. It seems, in my opinion that Dr. Shapiro has clearly decided that he is such an authority on the subject of child rearing that he seemingly ignores the clinical data, documentation and statistics.
He is at heart a man with compassion but you won't see it materialize in a healthy way, he will probably not help your family and although I like him as a person I would have to recommend against using him as an objective evaluator for the purpose of securing the best interests of your child.
thank you for reading

by Tony Surma
October 25, 2018
my eldest daughter has been scarred for life from counseling sessions with this man. she told him how her dad was inappropriate to her and of his irate and indecent behavior. Dr. Shapiro said he set up two different appointments for the childrens dad to meet in his office, but both times this dr. got conveniently called to" emergency court" so my kids dad's appt never materialized. dr. shapiro was no help in courtroom custody trial and totally discounted my eldest daughter's pleas and didn't believe a word my kids said. Accused me of "planting" words in daughter's head AND NOTHING WAS DONE thru court to ensure my kid's safety during visitations, vacations, and all dealings with their dad. Shameful! Why is he allowed to be in the system????? Dispicable!!!!
by Anonymous
January 14, 2017
Why are you manipulating the stars here. I have him one star. He was trick or treating for my custody eval. Two girls, one turned over to truancy officer. Children's hospital is now taking over counseling, dealing w Munchausen by proxy.
by John Ragain
February 22, 2016
Does this provider have a good professional reputation within your community?
Did your provider offer a holistic approach to your experience with them?
I was so disappointed that this provider barely took my concerns into account let alone offering any value that could possibly be from a holistic point of view.
Was the wait time for your appointment reasonable once you got to the office?
Would you refer this psychologist to a family or friend?
No, If I had known how terrible they were I never would have gone.
Was this psychologist's office easy to locate?
Fairly Easy
by Anonymous
April 15, 2015
This man is a quack. When I read the report that was months late i could not believe the incorrect facts. His report said that my mother was a stay home mom and my father worked. My mother worked when my father became ill. He never asked me about statements made about family members, and did not make phone calls until a couple days before he finally turned in his incorrect, poorly written report. He made me uncomfortable from the first moment I walked into his office. He added statements to my area of the report that I never said, and/or very twisted. His mind was made up to benefit the person paying him before I even walked in. He is a very dishonest man.
by carrie
December 22, 2014
"Doctor" Shapiro is a dishonest "man" who is all about the money and NOT AT ALL about the best interests of the children. At the time of the evaluation the children were under 4 and I had always been primary caretaker. I am a good mom, have no psych issues, no drugs, or alcohol. YET, this man gave custody to the father despite him only living with the children for 6 months total while we were married. He lied multiple times while under oath. He is arrogant and appears to have psych issues himself. He has assisted in ruining my life and I feel for all the others' lives that he has ruined. All in the name of $$
by GoodMomma
December 21, 2014
Would not waste my time here, a product of the court system. While doing a custody evaluation he talked to a counselor while at his door trick or treating. Unethical and unprofessional, makes a living via the court system in Illinois. Waste of time, courts not about doing the right thing, just funneling people through. My counselor said just let your daughters go, maybe they will come back when adults. Utilizing Dr.V now. Allegations from ex, cleared by DCFS and police so far. Hanging on to job. Yea this is in best interests.
by Fighting to maintain a relationship with my children, ex wife BPD
September 02, 2014
Dr. Shapiro did an excellent job as a court-appointed psychologist my contested custody case. He listened to the parties and the two children over several months under different scenarios. He administered a battery of written test to assess both parents and consulted with the parties' therapists, too.
Ultimately, Dr. Shapiro rendered an opinion letter recommending to the court that I, the dad of two teenage daughters, be granted sole custody. This was a difficult decision to make, especially when it is so much simpler to just "split the baby" and recommend joint custody. Dr. Shapiro made the tough call, and the right one for the benefit of the kids.
I could not be more grateful for his hard work and doing the right, but difficult thing.
by tony
June 04, 2014
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