Happiness is not something that just magically happens for some people but not for others. The way you view yourself, others, and the world around you is the key your own happiness. If you genuinely want to be happy more often than you are, you CAN make changes necessary to bring about that peace. Although everyone has bad periods in their lives that can last from hours to even months at a time, those...
November 22
A study of 239 breast tissue biopsies report a 3.1 times higher presence of a common cattle virus (BLV) in the cancerous vs. noncancerous tissues. The CDC (centers for disease control) states that this extremely common cattle virus, ‘Bovine Leukemia Virus’ (BLV) is prevalent in “38% of beef herds, 84% of all dairy herds, and 100% of large-scale dairy operation herds worldwide.” See full CDC report.Up...
October 29
It is said that Abraham Lincoln, when he was President of the U.S., was advised to include a certain man in his cabinet. When he refused he was asked why he would not accept him. "I don't like his face," the President replied. "But the poor man isn't responsible for his face," responded his advocate. "Every man over forty is responsible for his face" countered Lincoln.I heard this years ago, can’t...
April 12
Even though science has yet to discover the proverbial fountain of youth, there are many foods that contain anti-aging properties that can help increase one's lifespan and avert illnesses such as osteoporosis, heart disease and diabetes.By eating the right foods, you can put the brakes on the aging process, feel healthier and live an active lifestyle to stay in shape.Here's a list of eight tasty foods...
November 21
Vitamin D can play an important role in keeping you youthful by boosting the immune system, reducing inflammation and protecting against some forms of cancer. Vitamin D also helps keep bones healthy and assists in the absorption of calcium. Are you getting enough Vitamin D?What Makes Vitamin D Different?Vitamin D is different from other vitamins in that your body actually manufactures it with the assistance...
December 26
The term "cage-free" often brings to mind chickens who roam around freely on a farm or in a pasture of some sort, running about, pecking for food, and enjoying the pleasant sunshine afforded in this type of environment. When many agribusinesses switched to cage-free chickens, many consumers began purchasing the new products, believing that they were making a difference by supporting more humane living...
October 23
I spent years in a clinical laboratory analyzing blood and every other bodily fluid that we humans can produce. I routinely saw lab results showing blood chemistries in or out of the norm as evidence of some disease or degenerative state present in each patient. During and after my laboratory years, I’ve been a seeker of information to help understand which life choices we can make that are more likely...
August 25
There is a strong connection between friendship and health. Recall the happiest times of your life, and those memories likely include friends celebrating with you. Just as important, true friends support you through the bad times that happen in every life, from everyday disappointments to the heartbreak of loss. That's what good friends do.Friendship enriches our existence and makes life's journey...
March 14
As sensual beings, humans are affected by all of their senses. One of the most primal reactions we have, the sense of smell, comes from our body's olfactory system. Smells stimulate nerve endings in the olfactory bulb, which send information to the limbic system of the brain. The limbic system is associated with memories, emotions and our sex drive.Essential oils are one of the most effective ways...
February 10
Gotta face it. We're all getting older, but getting older shouldn't just “happen." Aging is a gradual process of living day-to-day so it stands to reason that what we do day-to-day has a definite affect on how we look and how we feel. What we do matters.So what do we do to defy our age? Let me start with a list of five though there are many more.Read on to Page 2
December 17