Posts by Roni Weisberg-Ross

Two recent stories raised my ire - once again - about the culpability of those who enable sexual predators. By enabler, I am referring primarily to the predator's spouse, partner or parent. I sit here and wonder why citizens aren't held legally responsible for notifying authorities if they become aware of an adult molesting a minor. If you watch someone being murdered and do nothing, or you help a...
7/6/2012 2:28:49 PM
"Therapists who work with adults abused as children have one overriding goal, that is to repair the client's self-image. Once the client's self image is repaired, he or she is on the road to full recovery." Eliana Gil - Treatment of Adult Survivors of Childhood Abuse If you think it happened, it probably did. Many times clients are ambivalent about the therapeutic process. Why treat abuse? It’s so...
8/28/2011 11:01:52 AM
Recognizing you are being abused is difficult when you love the person who is abusing you. This is true for both children and adults. The mind will go to great lengths to protect a person who cannot emotionally accept that they are being abused. The greater the abuse, the more elaborate the strategy the brain employs. In the case of children, there is nothing to compare the behavior to - how do you...
4/16/2011 5:12:34 PM
The following words and poetry were written by Kallel Hunter. She has graciously allowed me to share them with you. My name is Kallel and I am 13 years old. I live in the U.K. and have Irish, Jamaican and Barbadian in me. I also have two sisters and 3 brothers. I am the eldest. We don't live together anymore. Two are living with my mum in Birmingham; one is living with her mum (my granny) in Leicester...
12/4/2010 7:53:37 PM