Posts by Paisley Hansen

Most people think the effects of age only set in at about mid-life. First you’re young, then you suddenly wake up with arthritic knees that can predict a coming storm. You fall asleep in a slightly wrong position and wake up with a back that hurts so much you can barely make it through the work day sitting at your desk. However, aging starts long before any external signs are apparent. It’s best to...
10/16/2023 4:00:00 AM
Living in the 21st century certainly has its perks. This particular era is also known as the digital age because advanced technology is at an abundance. The 21st century takes the term "convenience" to a whole new level, but one of the downsides of this era can be found in the foods we consume. Yes, this is absolutely true because today's foods are far from natural. The majority of today's foods are...
10/6/2023 4:00:00 AM
Gotta' have your java? Coffee is a staple for so many people. You see a coffee shop just about anywhere you go and a home without a coffee maker feels like an alien planet. Some of us might even call it our “life blood.”Regardless of how much you depend on coffee to wake up, focus on work, or relax after dinner, it’s a major part of an everyday routine for millions of people worldwide. As it turns...
6/4/2022 4:00:00 AM
While some people hope to lose more weight by fasting before exercise, it usually is not a good idea. Most people can agree that eating before a workout is a necessity. Without fuel, your body won't have the nutrients you need to exercise at your best level, or possibly even complete the entire workout. When you feel dizzy, lethargic, and short-winded, you are more likely to trip, miss a step, or get...
3/16/2022 5:00:00 AM
At the start of every year, the most popular New Year’s Resolution is the same as every year before it--to be healthier. People all around the world are striving to reach this goal. Sadly, by the end of January, most of these people have already given up their goals. It’s shown that only 8% of people achieve the goals that they set at the beginning of the year. There are a variety of reasons for this....
2/19/2019 8:00:00 AM
If you scour the internet for the best beauty tips, you will be bombarded with over a billion results in a second. This solid fact solely proves that our contemporary world is more fixated on how to fix rather than how to embrace and appreciate who we truly are inside and out. The sad part is that, most of us have internalized the few negative comments we have received in the past that we do not remember...
2/14/2019 8:00:00 AM
Have you ever been on a diet? Most people have. This is how it goes: you start the diet and feel great for the first few days. After a week, you think that you’ve done enough to earn a "cheat" meal. You eat everything you couldn’t eat before, remember how good the food tasted, and then give up on the diet. There are other varieties of this same situation, but it always ends the same--you give up on...
2/13/2019 10:00:00 PM
"Eat your vegetables!" Did your mother ever say this to you when you were a child? As it turns out, she was right. Vegetables are an essential part of a nutritious diet, and if you don't eat them, you could be risking your health. Here's why you should make vegetables a part of your everyday diet. Essential Nutrients Contained in VegetablesVeggies are nutritional powerhouses, and they can help you...
1/21/2019 10:00:00 PM
Everybody's heard of the many health benefits of using protein shakes after an intense workout—extra nutrients, increase in sustainable weight gain, boosted cell growth and regeneration—but it can be a little bit difficult to find a specific line of powder that tastes good, as opposed to just being great for your health. For those who are looking for a new brand to try that tastes great and will quickly...
7/18/2017 9:00:00 PM
When you spice up your cooking, you can also spice up your health. There are a few tried and true delicious ways to take both your dishes and your wellness to the next level. In fact, Indian Ayurvedic medicine has utilized spices, including cinnamon, turmeric, and ginger, for their health benefits for centuries. Want great flavor and feel fantastic, too? You can tickle your taste buds with these 3...
6/15/2017 7:00:00 AM