For years I have been making smoothies...Even before they became so popular that grocery stores sell them now.
And I never seem to get tired of them since I change it up all the time.

Here are some ideas to put in your smoothies:


Fruit. I use 1/2 of a banana, peaches, plums, strawberries, blueberries.

NOW: I stay away from pineapple and watermelon. Those two fruits are very high in sugar. And I do not use bananas all the time because believe it or not they too are very high in sugar and that is why they taste soooo good!

Sometimes I buy a melody of frozen fruit. Sometimes I can find a great mixture.

I use a cup of Non-Fat Milk but you can also use Soy Milk.

I use different juices a splash of this and a splash of that. Like Light White Grape Juice. Alcai Juice. Blueberry/Cranberry Light also.

Lots of Ice.

Sometimes depending what fruits are on sale,etc... I tend to use say.. Peach yogurt.. with peaches.. and just add some non-fat milk and different juices.

And so.. NOW they have these great eco..plastic cups you can get anywhere. That come with straws.

If I am on the go.. I make my smoothie and put it in this cup and drink it on the run!

And it really does fill you up!

Then I have 1/2 of a sandwich because I am still full and then a light dinner.

It is funny! I have raved sooo much about my smoothies and I just asume that everyone else makes them as much as I do! But if I have friends over and I make them.. .. They have me write down the recipe. But really there is no set recipe. It is what you feel like making!!! That day...


8/11/2011 12:20:36 AM
Written by lauram3
I am a web designer by trade although sometimes I feel I would be great at being either a lifecoach or a dietician. Although, I do help people I meet that want to lose weight the natural way through dieting and exercising without all of the crazy diet fads and pills. I discovered Sugarbusters years ago. And it is a WOE (...
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