Posts by Chani

We, as a nation, have a sweet tooth. But we know that sugar is making us fat and very unhealthy. Luckily, we have other ways to sweeten things. Let's talk about our "sugarless" options, what we should be using and what we need to ditch!The bad:High fructose corn syrupAgave nectarSaccharin AspartameSucraloseThe first two we will talk about are high fructose corn syrup and agave nectar. I know you aren't...
8/13/2023 4:00:00 AM
I wanted something other than my morning oatmeal today. So instead, I went with sweet potato mixed right into my cooked egg whites... delicious!Did you know that sweet potatoes can be very helpful when trying to lose weight? Most people wouldn't think a potato could help in that area, but it can, and here's why--sweet potatoes' carbohydrates and high fiber content help you feel full for longer, which...
11/10/2018 8:00:00 AM
Side cramps while runnnig: Have you ever been excited to go out and enjoy a beautiful day by going on a run? And then have it end abruptly because of that annoying side cramp? Most of us have! But how many of us really know what it is or how to prevent them? Here it goes: Side cramps are a spasm of your diaphragm. The diaphragm is a dome shaped muscle that separates the lung cavity from the abdominal...
4/3/2011 6:13:44 PM
Potassium: What is it and what is its function? Everyone has heard that potassium is important for our bodies to function properly, for example, "eat a banana! The potassium in it will help you with cramping!" But how many of us really know what potassium does and how we can get it? Well, here it goes, potassium is an electrolyte, an essential mineral found in our bodies. It has many important functions,...
3/27/2011 6:50:02 PM
Today is the first day of the rest of my life! That is probably my favorite saying! What would the world be like if we all started every day thinking that. I think there would be more smiles and less road rage. More kindness and less impatience. Maybe, you'd even find that you'd be nicer to yourself. Start the day with a positive saying. What we've done in the past is.. just that, in the past. Mistakes...
10/18/2009 5:18:23 PM
LOSE THE LAZY, AMERICA! That's it! We're done. Its time to make some serious changes, and nice doesn't seem to be working. I'm FIRED UP! And you should be too. Lets get mad together. Did you know that American emergency crews are beginning to equip their ambulances with hydraulic stretchers that can handle up to 700 pounds? Seven Hundred Pounds..... How does that make you feel? We are out of control....
8/12/2009 9:06:58 AM
The keys to ease back pain and improve posture: Confident, strong, graceful and healthy. Who do you think of when you read those words? I bet its someone who stands tall and moves in a coordinated, controlled manner. Often times this person was once an athlete of some type. Wether it be a football player or a dancer. At some point in their life they learned the key points to carrying themselves correctly....
8/3/2009 7:47:55 PM
An excuse not to work out, or a REASON TO work out. As a personal trainer, people want to talk to me about how they used to work out, or the reasons why they can't work out. My favorite conversations are about the body, how to move it, and new ideas. So approach me, I want to talk to you. Unfortunately, I often hear, "I can't do anything right now because (insert excuse here)"... Well, I'm here to...
7/19/2009 11:43:39 AM
Ready or not, swimsuit season is here! I was shopping the other day.. and you know what? They seriously need to change the lighting in the dressing rooms! Lights from above... should only come from Heaven. Not dressing room ceilings! With that said, I worry about the self talk that goes on in these rooms. Listen to me, lose the negative reflection of yourself, and take action. Here are some ways to...
7/1/2009 1:41:36 PM
There is nothing prettier than shapely legs and a round back side! I hear all the time...I want to tighten up my thighs, and lift my butt. Lyposuction aside, you have to build the muscle. All hail the stiff legged dead lift! I change it up a little by adding a step and a stretch. Stand on a step about 5 inches from the floor. Bend at your knees to pick up the weight. I use dumb bells or a barbell....
6/15/2009 7:29:41 PM