A Bone To Pick

A group of chemists from England have revealed that their research shows the structure of bones are comprised of a "goo-like" fluid that is trapped between the crystals that form bone, and may lead to new treatments for diseases like osteoporosis. This fluid prevents bones from shattering by allowing movement between the calcium phosphate crystals, giving bones flexibility.

Osteoporosis means “porous bones” in Latin. The inside of a normal bone has small spaces, like a honeycomb. Osteoporosis increases the size of these spaces so that the bones lose strength and density as the outside of the bone also grows weaker and thinner. This new discovery could help treat this condition and many other bone diseases.

The viscous fluid is made of the chemical citrate and water (a natural by-product of cell metabolism). The lack of this process may explain how osteoporosis arises as well as the origins of other bone diseases. If the “goo” leaks, it can fuse with the calcium phosphate crystals, creating big clumps that stick together, decreasing flexibility and causing bones to become more brittle.

They found that the layering of citrate fluid and minerals shows the crystals in flat, plate-like shapes that can slip and slide around each other. Without this “goo,” all crystals in bone mineral would fuse together and shatter.

Under a microscope, the citrate molecule looks like a four-legged spider that bonds to calcium, the main element of bone mineral. It clings to the mineral crystals and stops the fusing and traps the water that allows the slipperiness that provides bone with its flexibility. Without it, water can just flow straight through the gaps.

So what do we know helps when you actually have this condition? Research conducted at the Traditional Medicine Research Institute found that Chinese medications containing rich kidney tonic ingredients, amino acids and compounds could revitalize the cell systems and help in the treatment of bone disease. Acupuncture has also been shown to treat osteoporosis. When the specific points are subjected to pressure, the nerve stimulation works towards building calcitonin, the hormone responsible for re-calcification of bone and reducing bone pain.

Traditional Chinese medicine preparations coupled with acupuncture offer promise in treating the root causes of osteoporosis and bone disease, providing a beneficial environment to the body and enhancing bone health.

4/23/2014 7:47:47 PM
Dr Andreas Movement Therapy and Muscle Rehab
For over 2 decades Andrea uses Applied Kinesiology muscle testing to check reflexes for metabolic organ points, endocrine glands, hormones, food allergies, parasites, brain chemistry, immune system and heavy metal toxicity. Remedies are recommended based on an analysis and is specific to your case. Dr Andrea also of...
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