Another article published last year emphasized the importance of improving synaptic connections in the brain. The brain's ability to form new connections is vital for a variety of reasons, from Alzheimer's prevention to improving the ability of the brain to learn new things. The researchers concluded that 3 particular nutrients positively influenced the brain's ability to make new synaptic connections: uridine (as UMP monophosphate), EPA/DHA from omega-3, and choline.
And this article, that was published last year in the prestigious scientific journal Neurology, concluded that the post-menopausal women in the study with the greatest levels of EPA/DHA correlated with greater brain and hippocampal volumes. The hippocampus is the area of the brain which, among other jobs, is the master conductor of the entire hormonal symphony. Suffice to say that you really don't want shrinkage of your hippocampus.