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by Wellness Editor In countries like Japan, China, Laos, Korea, Thaliand and Taiwan, removing shoes before entering the home is an absolute cultural must. In certain countries this custom extends to churches, temples, restaurants and schools as well. To leave the shoes on is to be rude and disrespectful to the homeowner and the home itself – something perceptually just as bad as putting your shoes up on the couch or... September 29
by Fred Fletcher IntroductionAt one point or another, you will probably need to go or be taken to the Emergency Room (ER). While experts would agree that in most cases you should preferably be seen by your primary care doctor instead of using the ER, you may not have a choice in the matter, especially if you, say, are involved in a serious-injury-inducing car accident.In fact, it may come down to whether you are a... October 26
by Wellness Editor If someone isn't feeling quite right and has had no luck finding out why, the thyroid gland could be the culprit. Low thyroid, or hypothyroidism, is extremely common. Hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) is a condition where the thyroid gland doesn't produce enough important hormones. These hormones play a major role within our bodies, every single day, regulating our metabolism, temperature and heart... November 12
by Wellness Editor Millions of people have trouble getting their day started without that first cup of coffee. There’s nothing like the smell of coffee to awaken the senses first thing in the morning. As it turns out, coffee might do more for you than just get you up and moving. In fact, according to recent studies, it’s possible that the health benefits may actually prolong your life.Studies in Favor of CoffeeThe Multiethnic... February 18
by Wellness Editor According to recent studies, human beings are getting dumber. Since the 1980s, people’s IQs have been going down multiple points each decade. Researchers aren’t sure about the specific causes, but educational, technological and dietary factors are likely involved. Take a closer look at how these issues could be lowering our IQs.The Flynn EffectIn the late 1980s, a researcher named James Flynn discovered... December 27
by Carol Osborne Antioxidants are widely recognized as one of the most important weapons in our battle against pet aging and disease. All the physiological processes in pets and people require oxygen, which provides us with energy. Bi-products of burning oxygen, similar to the sparks given off by a fire, are also produced in your pet's body. These little sparks are commonly known as free radicals, and are the major... November 19
by Judah Gutwein, L.N.H.A. By: Judah Gutwein, Regency Nursing & Rehabilitation CentersThe family is meeting to discuss Mom. She’s fallen twice in the last two months and seems a little disoriented and mildly confused lately. She seems to be losing weight too. She’s definitely not taking care of herself – or her home – as she used to.The discussion becomes heated. Snippets of conversation can be heard: “nursing home, retirement... April 08
by Rob Greenstein Unless you were born prior to the mid-twentieth century, you've heard this warning all of your life: “Saturated fats are bad for you. They increase cholesterol and cause heart attacks." I sure did. My mother would only make us eggs for breakfast once a week because she didn't want the family to get clogged arteries.The house was filled with low-fat this and reduced fat that, diet this and sugar-free... December 02
by Janet Valenty A study of 239 breast tissue biopsies report a 3.1 times higher presence of a common cattle virus (BLV) in the cancerous vs. noncancerous tissues. The CDC (centers for disease control) states that this extremely common cattle virus, ‘Bovine Leukemia Virus’ (BLV) is prevalent in “38% of beef herds, 84% of all dairy herds, and 100% of large-scale dairy operation herds worldwide.” See full CDC report.Up... October 29
by Gary Roe Can Grief Make You Sick?The death or departure of someone we love can be traumatic. Loss hurts, and the resulting grief can be challenging.When we lose someone, we immediately feel the emotional impact. Shock, sadness, anger, anxiety, depression, and other emotions surface and can hijack us at a moment's notice. The ensuing emotional roller coaster can be unnerving and even frightening.What often gets... December 18
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